Thursday 19 May 2011

Weekends - We do have a life you know...sort of.

To pretend we are leading a balanced life here, there is no semi-tech talk on this post. Its all about what we get up to outside of work/training. Since India is much warmer than RSA  at this time of the year, getting out of the house to hunt for some fun is not extremely challenging. To my friends at home, watch your electricity usage, otherwise you'll soon find your bill starting to look like a phone number. Eishkom (and its tarrif increases) is not playing games.

M.G - Anywho, our recent adventure - Mahatma Ghandi Road (fondly referred to as M.G Road) at the Camp (remember, Pune is a military base) is where it at. This comes highly recommended by our colleagues this side as a great place to visit, hang-out and shop for a few items.

 Cruising at M.G Road, Pune
 Speaking of shopping, what runs parallel to (part of) M.G Road is Fashion Street. Don't be fooled, it's not really a street. In fact, it's a full blown market place. Very intimidating if you only shop at the Mandela Square and equally crème de la crème places in RSA. Not us though, we braved the chaos and came out with...mmmhh...almost nothing. It's the experience that counts ok. I must say, this is an awesome place to test your negotiation skills. Prices go from INR 350 to INR 130 if you really want what you want.  I wish salary negotiations went in the opposite direction.
 The top-end of Fashion Street, Pune
Easy as ABC - Now that we have memorised where we live, it's easy to explore place further away knowing we don't have to worry about how we're gonna get back (home?). Phew! What a relief. That's how we came about a place called ABC Farms in Koregoan Park; actually, it's more of a 'small holding' than a farm, let alone farms. Nonetheless, this place hosts a couple of restaurants that offer a slightly different experience to what we had, until then, come across.

Looking for a bargain

The places we tried are Curve and Shisha. Curve is our favourite by far (no, not for obvious reasons); the music (house/hip-hop mix and house-electro), the vibe, the chicken wings were enough to guarantee another visit. Oh! Did I mention that our fab spot is at the bar? We have good line of sight to the screen showing IPL games, and since this section is patio-like (and uncovered), we catch the always welcome fresh air.

Flaming Curve

Another recommendation was Shisha, which turned out to be a huge disappointment. Don't get me wrong. The setup is super interesting. It's actually a garden restaurant with the right furniture, night lighting and stuff, but the music they played (when we were there) was fast driving us wanna slit our wrists; our order got messed-up big time; and there was no sense of urgency in service customers. Maybe it just was not our day. But I sure won't be going back to verify that theory.

With everything being everything, the best part about ABC Farms is that all fun comes to a screeching halt at 23h00. The DJ doesn't even wait for the song to end. Who does that maar?

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