Monday 2 May 2011

The training - Week 2: Off the field learning

25-29 April 2011 - The week started with the ever so theoretical project management principles. I'm convinced, this is one topic that is really hard to present in an exciting manner. Needless to say, only if one is having such a presentation for the first time, there's nothing to write home about. Especially when the presenter is not engaging or facilitating discussions, simply reading slides :(

The famous Project Management concepts

Then came CMMI, a topic that I was really excited about, given I already knew a little bit on the subject. Well, I came out of the session with a few ideas on how we can institutionalise it in the RMB environment.
 The CMMI framework

Perhaps the second-most key learning of the week for me is ITIL, only to be beaten by a conversation I had with senior staff at Nihilent. More on that shortly. With the common expression of 'wanting to see IT adding value to business' often tossed around by IT leaders, this session introduced practical ways in which this can be achieved. Turning around negative perceptions about the role of IT in business is a challenging undertaking. Even so, it still intrigues me and I think it is possible. Many organisations have achieved it.


The highlight of my week has to be the two conversations I had with Nihilent veterants. Basically, they wanted to meet and greet us; just checking if we're settling-in well. What transpired is easily the most fascinating experience about their take towards work and life in general. At that age (I'm guessing mid-fifties), they've probably seen it all and nothing suprises them anymore. In short, they convinced me that the answers I'm looking for regarding some of the challenges we face at RMB can be overcome with ease - only if certain key things are done in a particular manner. These 'things' are what our follow-up chat is gonna be about.

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