Monday 18 April 2011

Hello India (Mumbai)!

14 April 2011 - The roughly 9 hour flight from Johannesburg was without any events; very smooth and got us to India (Mumbai) ahead of schedule at around 00h00.The taxi drive  to the hotel was very entertaining even though we had no more than 3 exchanges with the driver during the 40 min event; I only remember him asking where we were going. Awesomeness!

Hotel Marine Plaza

The fun came from all the 'wow moments' Khathu and I had. Watching life in the city streets of Mumbai in the early hours of the day; construction work in progress; buildings only an artistic mind would appreciate; kids playing 'tennis' (those two weren't a day over 12); but, what's that? One of the most amazing views was of just two people chilling at the walking bridge in their plastic chairs like it's after 2am.

AutoRikshaw a.k.a taxi

Oh! Did I mention how convinced we now are that all taxi drivers trained from exactly one school. He sure wasn't gonna let some tens of red traffic lights slow us down. We got to the hotel just fine and after the formalities, were glad to get to our rooms just after 3am. The most entertaining thing we did during the day was to take a walk around where we stay.

Marine drive in Mumbai South

Weather was as expected, hot and humid and even less suprising was the city streets - busy! Very busy. The people are friendly and do mind their business so this too, was uneventful.We'll later checkout one of the restuarants we went past to get our supper. The real reason we're here only starts formally on Mon, 18 April 2011. So, no Java news yet.

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