Monday 25 April 2011

The training - Week 1: What's this all about?

17-22 April 2011 - Technology Training Week1: Why are we here?

Leaving Mumbai - The trip from Mumbai to Pune, where the trainig is held, took approximately 3hrs. Our guy in Pune is Raj, who came to meet up and briefed us about what to expect starting on Monday, 18 April 2011.

Bye Mumbai...

Pune - Finally, the real reason we came all this way. This training initiative is a partnership between RMB and Nihilent Technologies headquartered here in Pune. They have a large operation is RSA consulting in major banks. Most of the guys we met, both junior and senior, have worked in RSA even if for a few months.

The big idea for this programme revolves around career and personal development. It's a 6-7 week programme and covers various aspects of technology in the space of software development, both the theoretical and practical aspects. Week 1 essentially focused on Development Best Practices (methodologies), Data Modelling and Technology Architecture overview.The practical part, where we get hands-on experience in applying these concepts, will only start in Week 3.

Agile Scrum methodology

Layered architecture

The Spring framework

Likes:The content is presented by specialists in their technology area, they apply this stuff (almost) daily. Unlike when we first learnt of these concepts, with our little work experience, we are able to engage the presenters on the application of these ideas and principles, specifically in our work environment. That way, we are able to contextualise the learning, given that RMB is not a technology company :)

 Looking forward to Week 2 which has ITIL and CMMI scheduled.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Sights and stuff...

16 April 2011 - It's about time we got you real travel news. Our adventures started with a taxi drive (a cab this time) around the area. This reminded me of Alexandra.

 Is this Alex?
Off to the popular sites...

Gateway of India and Taj Mahal - first in the list was a visit to the Gateway and the Taj. HUGE structures they are. Check out

The Gateway of India

We spent no more than 30 min walking around and taking pics. Acting like real tourists. This was just a start to the longest day we've had on the road thus far...

The Taj Mahal

The Ghandi Museum - next was the Museum. Originally a house where the man used to stay when in Mumbai. Some history is at

Gandhi in SA sometime

Phoenix Mall - it seems like wherever you go, there is one. McD! I don't think the menu has non-chicken burgers. Plus, it serves a lot of vegiterian options.

  Inside Phoenix Mall - bling!

Wherever you are, McD is with you

Bollywood stars - apparently, this is where some of the most successful of the pack lock themselves in; explains whey we did not see any of them :)

Where the stars are at - Juhu
 Somewhere in a place called Juhu
Iskcon Temple - this was the longest of our trips with lots of twists and turns many of which passed us through some dodgy places. I tell you, unless you're from around there, one would only go if a pretty girl asked them to do so.
On the way to the Temple

Finally, we reach the Temple; sorry taking pictures is not allowed (but some can be found here Not sure how I felt. But ja, we did look like we were visiting. Only Arvind (our guide from the FRB office) knew what was to be done inside the Temple. We should have read up on this before we went...

Juhu Beach - a two min walk from the Temple landed us at one of the popular beaches in Mumbai - Juhu Beach! Check my facebook page for pics on this. By the time we got back, it was supper time...

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Welcome to FRB Mumbai Office

15 April 2011 - So here we are. Setting in well in Mumbai.The mission for today is to find the FirstRand office and meet a couple of people who are expecting us. Getting to the office was a child's play. Located in (kinda) the same street is the India Cricket Club. Rumour has it that, the waiting list to obtain membership to this prestigious club is super long and people pay lots of money to join it. I wonder why.
Anywho,the FirstRand office is located on the 5th floor of the Mistry Bhawan building which houses a few other companies. First stop is Alex (the head of HR). A very friendly guy who told us all about the company and the challenges they face. Like attracting top talent into an Africa bank, given our reputation of instability.
 5th floor entrance
Mistry Bhavan building housing the FirstRand office

Second stop is Gupi (the head of BT) . Lastly, a guy named Arvind also came to say hi. More on him in the next post. Oh wait! We also got a chance to say wassup to the man in charge - Mahen. Again, very friendly people. Alex later took us across the road for lunch to a place called Relish; a vegiterian join; a very stylish place I must add. Can't recall the the name of what I ate. Basically, it was veg curry of some sort, served with basmati rice and a salad that had sliced onion, carrot, and signs of lettus. All I know is that it was very delicious.

Outside Relish

I think Khathu had another version of that with roti. A vegiterian of note, I have no idea what Alex had - I can only remember that it looked like stir fry and it made a sizzling sound :)
And We had margaritta pizza for 'dissert'. S'true bob!

After having said all the byes and good lucks. Next was getting ourselves connected. Gee, if you want to get a sim card around here, be strong! It took the most of our afternoon securing a vodafone sim card; the best ISP around here, apparently. Having spent over 2 hours of waiting in different queues, we get the card but I'm told that no 3G boss. Ja that really helps. Uhhrrr! Life does go on nonethelss...

Monday 18 April 2011

Hello India (Mumbai)!

14 April 2011 - The roughly 9 hour flight from Johannesburg was without any events; very smooth and got us to India (Mumbai) ahead of schedule at around 00h00.The taxi drive  to the hotel was very entertaining even though we had no more than 3 exchanges with the driver during the 40 min event; I only remember him asking where we were going. Awesomeness!

Hotel Marine Plaza

The fun came from all the 'wow moments' Khathu and I had. Watching life in the city streets of Mumbai in the early hours of the day; construction work in progress; buildings only an artistic mind would appreciate; kids playing 'tennis' (those two weren't a day over 12); but, what's that? One of the most amazing views was of just two people chilling at the walking bridge in their plastic chairs like it's after 2am.

AutoRikshaw a.k.a taxi

Oh! Did I mention how convinced we now are that all taxi drivers trained from exactly one school. He sure wasn't gonna let some tens of red traffic lights slow us down. We got to the hotel just fine and after the formalities, were glad to get to our rooms just after 3am. The most entertaining thing we did during the day was to take a walk around where we stay.

Marine drive in Mumbai South

Weather was as expected, hot and humid and even less suprising was the city streets - busy! Very busy. The people are friendly and do mind their business so this too, was uneventful.We'll later checkout one of the restuarants we went past to get our supper. The real reason we're here only starts formally on Mon, 18 April 2011. So, no Java news yet.