Sunday 26 June 2011

The training - Week 6: Fast approaching the finish line

23-27 May - This was the last full week of work and as with the previous post, the first part of this post focuses on project updates. The coding phase of the Fantasy Teams projects is underway. Khathu had his hands full splitting his time between writing code for his use cases, attending project meetings as well as chatting to Nihilent associates as per the arrangement. The project team as a whole seemed to be doing ok regardless of slight hick-ups here and there. Team spirit and dedication was obviously high even from someone outside of the project.

Late nights at the office

Similarly, the Service Management assignment was also on full speed. As per the approach adopted, the work is iterative and constant improvements were being continuously made. This project relies heavily on constant feedback from the Nihilent associates concerned; something that needs to be improved upon, as the key man is sometimes unavailable; engaged in his own training sessions. The nice thing is that at least he nonetheless kept the communication lines open.
Working hard...

Arguably the most fascinating aspect of this week (for me anyway) was a meeting with Sundar, who introduced us to Software Reliability Modelling. A technique that, among other things, helps software development teams gain clarity on the quality of the software they produce, and being able to 'predict' the reliability of the individual product components (if it is so analysed). The demo also illustrated how this technique can be incorporated to the SDLC. Yey!
Why have you not learnt anything?

The deadline is looming, at the end of the week, there only is 3 day left. Generally, one would be under stress about this (given that there's still so much work to do), but somehow, we're simultaneously excited that time is moving so fast. Very soon, it's gonna be home time :)